Friday, December 25, 2020

Matthew 24:3 That Prophetic Tick Tock

"What shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world? Matt.24:3 

Well, what kind of evidence is required? Says the skeptic:
When the signs of the end are fulfilled, they will be so plain that no one can doubt.”

---But if the signs are of such a nature, and are fulfilled in such a manner, as to compel all to believe in the coming of Christ, how can it be as it was in the days of Noah
---Men were not then compelled to believe. But eight believing souls were saved, while all the world beside sunk in their unbelief be neath the waters of the flood.

*God has never revealed his truth to man in a manner to compel him to believe. 
---Those who have wished to doubt his word, have found a wide field in which to doubt, and a broad road to perdition. 
---Only those who wish to believe find solid rock on which to rest their faith.

When the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8

He will find but little. 
It will be as in the days of Noah. 
A few will believe, and stand complete in God amid all the perils of the last days. Wherever we look, we see prophecy fulfilling. 
--And while the knowledge of God and the spirit of holiness are departing, spiritual wickedness like a flood covers the land." A.T.Jones