Tuesday, December 15, 2020

IN the NEWS - Wild Mink of America

What If it spreads in mutated strains from animals back into humans defeating any vaccine?...or we have a planet with dead animals strewn everywhere by next year's end like some apocalyptic tome?.....troubling times---but---Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

"American southwest, where a wild mink has reportedly tested
positive for COVID-19 in Utah - the first example of a wild animal testing positive for the virus in the US.  

But as the NY Post remarked, since the animal tested was a wild mink, it's possible mutated forms of COVID-19 might be "running wild" in America.

"To our knowledge, this is the 1st free-ranging, native wild animal confirmed with SARS-CoV-2," the US Department of Agriculture said Monday in a statement announcing the alarming discovery.

The mink tested positive during what was apparently a routine test of various wild animal species carried out by the FDA. No other species tested positive (though that doesn't mean there isn't more COVID out there - far from it).  The USDA said it has notified the WHO about its discovery." ZeroHedge