Saturday, December 12, 2020

IN the NEWS - SELF ORDAINED GUARDIANS ...Makes You Wonder & Ponder

This has the Little Horns Fingerprints all over....a New Form of Marxism rebranded....with these people as the SELF ORDAINED GUARDIANS...Scary stuff... And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. Luke 21:16
"Pope Francis announced that the Vatican would enter into a global alliance” with the world’s big banks, international corporations and globalist foundations to create an economic council aimed at redistributing wealth around the world. 
The globalist initiative, called the “Council for Inclusive
“, bills itself as aimed at creating “stronger, fairer, more collaborative economies and societies.”
The group of elite, who call themselves “The Guardians”, calls itself a “historic collaboration of CEOs and global leaders working with the moral guidance of Pope Francis to harness the power of business for good,” the website states.
Among the list of “Guardians” besides Pope Francis are the CEOs of the Visa, Mastercard, Bank of America, BP, as well as Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Ford Foundation President Darren Walker, and Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah.
The ‘Guardians,’ as the council members are called, are top executives of the world’s leading corporations who have promised to take bold actions toward creating inclusive capitalism,” Forbes reported Wednesday.
The Guardians will hold themselves accountable, committing to a list of intended actions involving  environmental, social and governance matters. The Guardians, at their respective companies, have said they plan to hire and promote more women, increase diversity hires, commit to clean energy by purchasing 100% renewable electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote the reuse and recycling of water and other initiatives.” NW
Makes one wonder and ponder IF the Great Reset Crowd is really using the COVID CRISES for something else....
"An Austrian parliamentary member demonstrated the defectiveness of the government’s Covid-19 tests by showing how a glass of coke yields a positive result.
In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect drops to use on an antigen rapid test being used on a mass scale.
The results of the test are described by independent German news site (translated from German):
After going to the lectern and starting his speech, the politician sprinkled a corona rapid test with a few drops of cola. Three minutes later the test showed a result: It was positive. So Coke triggered such a result.
After demonstrating a positive result, Schnedlitz goes on to slam the tests as a waste of taxpayer resources.Mr. President, we are likely to have a problem now, we have a positive corona test in parliament, namely this cola triggered a positive corona test. I don’t know how to deal with it now! With things like this you are throwing tens of millions of euros in tax money out of the window instead of providing real protection for old people’s and nursing homes, instead of investing money in our hospitals.”
According to a report from, Schnedlitz proceeded to slam the government’s lockdown, saying:
 “A ‘dictatorship light’ was set up by the ÖVP and the Greens and the Austrians Their fundamental rights, such as their civil rights and the right to freedom of expression – specifically, illegal ordinances were issued and the authorities were asked to take action against their own people.

 Following the experiment, another Austrian politician, ÖVP General Axel Melchior, dismissed Schnedlitz’s claims, and accused him of being drunk." NewsWars
Imagine this app in the hands of those who want to control buying and selling as it relates to the mark of the beast ....IF it was to be reset to identify those who are in cooperation with it or not....
 "Reports suggest that an app used prominently in the UK by people to book doctor and hospital appointments is to implement a
vaccination status section that will show whether a person has taken the coronavirus jab or not, and that businesses may use it to refuse entry to those who have not.
The Daily Mirror reports that the ‘MyGPapp, ....will display a large green check mark (tick if you’re British) within the patient profile page, if a person has been vaccinated.
When a person downloads and signs up to the app, it receives their medical records. A deal was signed between the parent company  iPLATO Healthcare and the government to ensure the data can be passed on." NW
This is a sort of a Green Socialist-Fascist type of world governance bought about by hyping the COVID Crises.....What has the Prince of Persia and his human minions in power wrought?
"According to a new study from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) released this week, a “high-damage” scenario
would mean a protracted recovery from the pandemic. The report anticipates that 80 percent of the pandemic-induced economic crisis would persist for over a decade, stalling the pre-pandemic growth trajectory. 
A “baseline Covid” scenario, based on current mortality rates and the most recent growth projections by the International Monetary Fund, would result in 44 million more people living in extreme poverty by 2030, compared to the development trajectory the world was on before the pandemic.  
“As this new poverty research highlights, the Covid-19 pandemic is a tipping point, and the choices leaders take now could take the world in very different directions,” said the UNDP’s Administrator Achim Steiner. “We have an opportunity to invest in a decade of action that not only helps people recover from Covid-19, but that re-sets the development path of people and planet towards a fairer, resilient and green future. IW