Saturday, December 5, 2020

IN the NEWS - Religious Liberty Victory Lap Around Newsom (the Hypocrite)

 And all the people shall say, Amen. Deuteronomy 27:18

 "In another win for religious freedom, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against California's lockdown restrictions on churches.

Harvest Rock Church is suing Newsom, alleging his lockdown restrictions discriminate against houses of worship by imposing stricter rules for them than for secular businesses.
Tier 2 of Newsom's lockdown orders "restricts religious worship to 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is less; but permits laundromats, warehouses and meat packing plants with no restriction," Harvest Rock argues in its reply brief. It also allows "essential retail," museums, gyms, malls and swap meets to operate at a certain percentage with no numerical cap — unlike churches.
"The Governor prohibits or restricts 'gatherings' in churches or private homes, but he publicly encourages thousands of protesters singing and chanting," the complaint continues.
Governor Newsom recently came under fire after he was caught
violating his own lockdown restrictions by dining with a dozen people in close quarters at one of California's most expensive restaurants
without social distancing or masks
. When initially caught, he apologized — but falsely claimed they had been dining outside.

A photo that later surfaced contradicted his claim, showing the party in a private indoor room. Even more, next to Newsom sat several lobbyists, two who work for the California Medical Association, which has benefited in the millions of dollars from the pandemic." ChurchMilitant