Wednesday, December 16, 2020

IN the NEWS - Red House of Prince of Persia

 Prince of Persia still Rocking the Streets of Portland---as we said before on here--the secular Left is always angry whether they win or lose elections....and here we have another surge in violence simply because -- well, because that just what the Left does. ... ...foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.... Romans 1:31

"Leftists erected warzone-syle barricades to block Portland, Oregon,
police from enforcing an eviction order on the occupants of what is known as “the Red House on Mississippi.” The barricade is at least three blocks wide and in some places consists of a six-layer fence and barricade.

Earlier this week, protesters repelled Portland police officers to came out to assist the local sheriff’s office in serving a legal eviction order on a foreclosed house. As officers arrived, protesters fought back violently and repelled the officers." Breitbart