Wednesday, December 9, 2020

IN the NEWS - Creator's Light Show this Week

 Through a series of natural events, based on the laws of physics the Creator put in place, you may be able to see a real light show this week.....When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, ... which you have set in place... Psalm 8:3 ESV

"December will have the potential to host a stunning northern lights

The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has issued G1, G2, and G3 geomagnetic storm watches for the nights of Wednesday, December 9, and Thursday, December 10

The brief period of a G3 storm alert on the night of December 9 could mean that the northern lights will be seen relatively far south in the continental United States. If it arrives as expected, that could mean a view as far south as parts of northern Illinois and

Pennsylvania, among many other places across the country. 

The watches issued by the SWPC are a measure of the solar activity hitting Earth’s atmosphere. That solar energy can result in the beautiful auroral displays visible at both of the Earth’s poles. When an especially strong burst of solar energy from a coronal mass ejection (CME) arrives, that can make the aurora borealis visible in areas where it doesn’t appear with much frequency. You know, like much of the US."