Sunday, December 13, 2020

IN the NEWS - Could Biden's “Kumbaya Time" Fulfill Prophecy?

 Will Biden's attempt to reach out to Conservatives and Rural Voters help bring about the mark of the beast?
1- Will these Conservative Christians at some point want something (you know what I'm talking about) during calamities and Biden give it as reaching out?
2- Will the Catholic Biden then rally the world with these secular Leftist "merchants" of the world who recently bent the knee to the Pope and declared themselves the "Guardians"? They want Climate Change stuff.
3- What does the Little Horn want?...what numbers 1 and 2 above both want. That's what....and now you may have a President positioned politically to appease both...AND IF NOT HIM, SOMEONE LIKE HIM USING THIS GROUNDWORK LAID OUT.
"Is it “Kumbayatime already?
The Biden administration is now planning to reach out to
conservatives according to Rep. Cedric Richmond, Louisiana Democrat, and a senior adviser and director of Mr. Biden’s Office of Public Engagement.

Right now I’m trying to set up the office, and I’m actually looking at establishing a position that reaches out to conservatives. It’s about moving forward. We cannot stay where we are,” Mr. Richmond told an audience of The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council meeting this week.

We were elected to help this entire country and that means reaching out to conservatives, that means reaching out to rural areas, reaching out to people who didn’t vote for us,” said Mr. Richmond." WashingtonTimes