Sunday, December 6, 2020

IN the NEWS - "COMMON GOOD" pops up...again

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1
Uh oh.....that phrase of Pope Francis and the political Left is popping up for COVID Vaccines..."the Common Good" might this kind of government control play into End Times control of people mandated to keep a counterfeit sabbath?

"As Pfizer and Moderna both rush a vaccine to market to fight the
Covid-19 virus, will promises of returning to “normal” be enough to persuade people to take the quickly developed injection?
 It’s expected that the new coronavirus vaccines will be approved any day now. Each vaccine is said to require two shots to confer immunity to the virus. Pfizer requires two doses three weeks apart, and Moderna requires two doses four weeks apart.
While half of the people surveyed want the injection, the other half do not. And that’s where the controversy lies – should we have a choice what medical treatments we undergo? Dr. Ron Paul spoke back in 2008 and said something as meaningful today as it was a dozen years ago.

If we accept this notion that the federal government is

going to dictate what we can put into our bodies, then it leads to the next step: that the government is going to regulate everything that is supposedly good for us. That’s where they are. ...I just think the whole principal of government telling us what we can take in or not take in is just a dangerous position to take… it’s related to the drug industry because they’d like to control all of this.”

 Can the government actually make people take a vaccine?

Actually, yes.

But there is legislative precedent dating back to a U.S. Supreme Court case in 1905 called Jacobson v. Massachusetts that allows the government to mandate vaccinations.

In that case, the Supreme Court said that states have under their police powers, which is under the Constitution, the authority to enact reasonable regulations as necessary to protect public health, public safety, and the common good. Vaccination mandates constitute exactly that kind of

permissible state action to protect the public’s health. Even though it’s 115 years old, this continues to be the benchmark case on the state’s power to mandate vaccination.

In response to the argument about this individual liberty interest, the court said that sometimes individual interests might have to yield to state laws that endeavor to protect the health of everybody—thecommon good.” The court said: “The rights of the individual may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint to be enforced by reasonable regulations as the safety of the general public may demand.” ZeroHedge