Monday, December 14, 2020

IN the NEWS - China Playing With Fire -- LITERALLY

This is just a thought---NOT A PREDICTION-- but with everything going on in the world-- what MIGHT be a possibility IF China were to use this Fake Sun for an attack frying people or at least crops of an enemy? OR IF there were to be a mishap/accident with their playing God on earth? Could signs in the sun (Luke 21:25) include Fake Suns? Just a thought NOT A PREDICTION. [Actually the text is probably referring to only the actual sun but what man is playing with here on earth could have serious consequences if a mistake is made]
Very strange times from the Merchants forming a Literal Alliance with the Beast to Fake Suns playing with nuclear fusion on earth "ten times hotter than the core of the sun"...

"Beijing has a lot of irons in the global energy market fire, facing off
against Russia for nuclear energy dominance in Africa, ramping up coal-fired capacity abroad while simultaneously touting its lofty decarbonization plans back at home, and now, powering up a brand new, cutting-edgeartificial sun.”

The so-called sun is a nuclear fusion reactor which came online for the first time last week, “marking a great advance in the country's nuclear power research capabilities,” according to a report by Science X Network’s 

Nuclear fusion, often thought of as the holy grail of clean energy, is

the process that takes place naturally in the Sun. Fusion merges atoms instead of splitting them in a process that creates several times more energy than nuclear fission .

Scientists have long endeavored to achieve commercial nuclear fusion, and they’re getting closer than ever. China is the most recent country to join this exclusive club.

China’s HL-2M Tokamak reactor, located in the southwest of China in Sichuan province, uses ultra-powerful magnets to create and fuse hot plasma at temperature over 150 million degrees Celsius, a mind-blowing temperature “approximately ten times hotter than the core of the sun.” ZeroHedge