Wednesday, December 30, 2020

IN the NEWS - 1,000,000 Jubiantly Rally for Slaughter

 And because iniquity shall abound, 
the love of many shall wax cold. 
Matthew 24:12

"On Wednesday, December 30, after 12 hours of debate, the
Argentina Senate approved to legalize abortion. Massive crowds of abortion rights activists and feminists reacted to the news with screaming and tears of joy as they welcomed the historic vote. The new law allows girls as young as 13 year old to get abortions without parental consent. 
These young girls are shouting with joy over the legalization of murder
1 million feminists in Argentina shout, “Down with the patriarchy, it will fall, feminism will prevail.” 
Is abortion the greatest achievement of the feminist movement? Absolutely. 
The ugly face of feminism is to spew angry diatribes against men, marriage, family and babies. Feminism is no friend to the unborn.
But the real culprits for this are the complacent Christians who just
don’t care. Millions of people who profess faith in Christ simply want to be left alone. They don’t want to be disturbed. They don’t want to be bothered. They don’t want to have enemies. They only speak of freedom, justice and mercy when they are personally attacked, but they say nothing when innocent and defenseless children are killed."