Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Creation Moment 12/24/2020 - Program of "DESIGN RULES" [Mysteries of God's Machine of Life]

Imagine God's Design Rules----all of them.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous... Psalm 139:14 NLT

"For the first time, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering have utilized a catalytic reaction that causes a two-dimensional, chemically-coated sheet to
spontaneouslymorph” into a three-dimensional gear that performs sustained work.
What is really distinctive about this research is the coupling of deformation and propulsion to modify the object’s shape to create movement,” Laskar says. “Deformation of the object is key; we see in nature that organisms use chemical energy to change their shape and move. For our chemical sheet to move, it also has to spontaneously morph into a new shape, which allows it to catch the fluid flow and perform its function.”
Additionally, Laskar and Shklyaev found that not all the gear parts needed to be chemically active for motion to occur; in fact, asymmetry is crucial to create movement. By determining the design rules for the placement, Laskar and Shklyaev could direct the rotation to be clockwise or counterclockwise. This added “program” enabled the control of independent rotors to move sequentially or in a cascade effect, with active and passive gear systems. This more complex action is controlled by the internal structure of the spokes, and the placement within the fluid domain." 

Animation from simulation demonstrating spatio-temporal control of rotors via a cascade reaction. 
GOx-coated rotor (magenta) lies on the left side of the chamber, while CAT-coated rotor (green) lies on the right side. 
Background color map indicates spatial distribution of H2O2 in the solution at y = 3mm for side views and at z = 0.4 mm for top views. Introduction of D-glucose in the solution activates the GOx-coated rotor, which morphs into a 3D structure and starts rotating spontaneously. 
CAT-coated rotor stays flat and stationary. H2O2 is produced by the first reaction, constituting the first step of the cascade reaction. In the presence of H2O2, CAT-coated rotor becomes active and starts rotating, while the GOx-coated rotor becomes flat and stationary as glucose in the solution is depleted. With time, H2O2 in the solution is also depleted and consequently, the motion of the CAT-coated rotor stops and sheet becomes flat.