Monday, December 21, 2020

Creation Moment 12/22/2020 - Pre-wired to Read

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous... Psalm 139:14 NLT
 "Literate adults have close connections between the part of the brain that processes the sight of letters, called the visual word form area
(VWFA), and the brain’s nearby language network. The researchers discovered that newborn brains come prewired with similarly tight connections between the two areas.
--From a Darwinian perspective, our brains’ functional modules would have incrementally developed over eons for our survival. 
Q: But in what scenario would our ancestors have been forced to read or die? For that matter, how could such pressures reach into and rewire our brains?
--On the other hand, if humans came from supernatural creation instead of mere nature, then the possibility opens for God to have intentionally prewired our brains “to see words.” ICR