Sunday, November 29, 2020

The "Really" File - (Queeristan in North Carolina?)

 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 18:22
"Muslim students at Duke University have organized a series of
events to promote acceptance of homosexuality and other LGBTQ-related issues and to create a community for gay Muslims.

The event series, called Queeristan, aims to connect LGBTQ Muslims to one another at the private university in North Carolina. It is a collaboration of the school’s Center for Muslim Life and the student publication Juhood Magazine. 

As far as the CML receiving criticism here and there, the answer is yes,” Joshua Salaam, the center’s director, told The College Fix via email. The Fix had asked if the Muslim community had criticized the promotion of LGBTQ issues.

From the "Really" File

In October, the organizers hosted a movie night for the film “My Beautiful Laundrette,” a 1985 movie about a two gay men who run a laundromat together.

Queeristan also hosted a discussion titled “Homosexuality in Islam with Dr. Scott Kugle,”.

The student said “the broader Muslim community at Duke was very, very supportive. And many people came from the general Muslim student population.” 

The student told The Fix that she did not know how many LGBTQ Muslims there were at Duke and said she did not trust the statistics on demographics regardless." CollegeFix