Saturday, November 28, 2020

Spiritual / Prophetic Lesson of Nimrod & Abraham

"This account of the apostasy of Israel and their destruction was not written for nothing. These words were written for us, and we must heed them in our day.

Now we come to the last days of Judah
Read the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel
They are present truth to-day for Seventh-day Adventists, just as much as is the book of Revelation
Jeremiah and Ezekiel are written for us upon whom the ends of the world are come, because these books were written in the days when the end of Judah was come; and the destruction of Jerusalem, and the times that attended it, are simply recorded to point out to all the people of the world the times when the end of the world and its destruction are near, and to warn them concerning the events that will attend it, and the troubles that will accompany it.

There is to-day a Babylon and an Egypt. To-day there are people of
God in Babylon and in Egypt. And to-day the Lord calls, "Come out of her my people;"(Rev. 18:4) and, "Out of Egypt have I called my son." (Matt. 2:14)

Look at it again: 
Q: Where was Nimrod?
A: He was in Babylon, and governed the realm of Babylon
Q: Where was Abraham?
A: He was in the country ruled by the kingdom established by Nimrod. But God called him out of that country. That country was Babylon both spiritually and physically. And more than this: Nimrod was the son of Cush, and Cush was the son of Ham, and Egypt is the
land of Ham. 
So that in Nimrod there was both Egypt and Babylon. And when God called Abraham, he called him out of both Egypt and Babylon. And "if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal.3:29) And ye are called out of both Egypt and Babylon."
A.T. Jones