Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Lockdowns & "Christians"

ON ONE HAND, Christians should obey the government when it comes to these Lockdowns....ON THE OTHER HAND, we also live in a democracy and representative government so it is also o.k. to exercise your free speech in opposition and vote accordingly when these Politicians are up for re-election. 
These Lockdowns, including on Church attendance, do NOT violate any of God's Laws at the moment. But also you have the right in our system of Government to disagree with it and even speak out in the meantime.
"The powers that be are ordained of God.This passage is found in Romans 13:1
The first nine verses of the chapter are devoted to this subject,
showing that the powers that be are ordained of God, and enjoining upon Christians the duty of respectful subjection to civil government

It is easy to see that his scripture is but an exposition of the words of Christ, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's." 
As, therefore, the instruction in Romans 13:1-10 is given to Christians concerning their duty and respect to the powers that be; and as this instruction is confined absolutely to man's relationship to his fellow-men; it is evident that 
---when Christians have paid their taxes, 
---and have shown proper respect to their fellow-men, 
*then their obligation, their duty, and their respect to the powers that be, have been fully discharged, and those powers never can rightly have any further jurisdiction over their conduct. 
This is not to say that the State has jurisdiction of the last six commandments as such. It is only to say that the jurisdiction of the State is confined solely to man's conduct toward man, and never can touch his relationships to God, even under the second table of the law."
A.T. Jones