Tuesday, November 24, 2020

IN the NEWS - Rumblings of Groundwork for the "Yet"

"The leaders of the Sunday movement may advocate reforms which the people need, principles which are in harmony with the Bible; yet...." E.G.W.
It will be interesting to watch how the Sunday keeping
churches...correct in their critique of our moral rot....will get around to the "yet" as they begin to call for Sunday sacredness to get back to God and how this will find common ground with the Great Reset secular Climate Change crowd....remember the Pope's Green Encyclical puts a foot in BOTH Camps as their unifier as
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Rev.17:13
 “America is in a moral free-fall,” he told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Thursday. “Just look at it as I would as a pastor,MacArthur began. “You murder the babies in the womb. If they survive the womb, you try to seduce them into transgender sexual deviation when they’re young. If they survive that, you corrupt them with a godless education. If they survive that, you have divorce in the family and if they grow to be adults, you drown them in a sea of pornography.
This is a nation so far down in the sewer of immorality and wickedness that nothing surprises me,” the pastor continued. “In fact, I would be shocked if a judge said, ‘Open all the churches and close all the strip clubs.'”
A recent Los Angeles Times story accused MacArthur’s church of enabling an outbreak, but MacArthur explained the real story. As it turns out, three part-time security guards at GCC had tested positive for COVID-19 unrelated to their work duties but had no symptoms. They returned to work within a few days. Los Angeles County cleared the church of responsibility for any such “outbreak.”MacArthur has long fought excessive COVID-19 restrictions and their double standards against churches. He warned that power-hungry politicians have blown the coronavirus pandemic out of proportion." PJMedia