Saturday, November 14, 2020

IN the NEWS - Persecution: Will Stengel's Influence Lay the Groundwork?

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:1
IF Stengel was to get his way with influence on Biden---how might his Marxist Ideas impact the Church?
Q: Would criticism of LGBT as "sin" be defined as "hate speech"?
We know that the Left labels disagreement or criticism as "hate speech" in order to silence their opposition when they can't win a debate.
Q: Will the Bible become "hate speech" in America?
Q: What IF someone in govt. pushed for a Counterfeit Sabbath for the "common good" during natural calamities---and people spoke out against it? Would their Free Speech be banned for the "common good"?
Q: Could criticism/calling out of the Little Horn power be "hate speech"? 
Q: Would calling Islam a False Religion be "hate speech"?
Q: What of so-called climate change? Will that include criticism/disagreement with Laudato Si’? We know Biden's former boss Obama targeted so-called "climate change deniers" on his way out the door.
REMEMBER--in these times this is different than past cries of the end is nearing in generations past....this time there is the missing prophecy from the other times---that it would be like the days of Lot...and you know what the story of Lot was known for.

"Biden Transition Official Believes the First Amendment Has a 'Design Flaw' -- His Remedy Is to Curb Free Speech-----Richard Stengel, according to the New York Post, “is the Biden transition
‘Team Lead’ for the US Agency for Global Media, the U.S. government media empire that includes Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
He is also a menace to our constitutional protections and to free society in general. If he is any indication of what is coming, we’re in for a rough four years, or longer.
Stengel wrote last year in a Washington Post op-ed that the freedom of speech must be restricted, for all speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.”
 Many other nations are fixing that “design flaw,” according to
Stengel, and so the U.S. should also: “In general, hate speech is speech that attacks and insults people on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation.”
He became a senior writer and essayist for Time, covering both the 1988 and 1996 presidential campaigns."
*well that explains it---while in the Air Force during the 1988 election i literally wrote to Time Magazine asking them to Cancel my subscription due to their bias....