Monday, November 16, 2020

IN the NEWS - Election 2020 & 2 Timothy 3

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come....without self-control, brutal,...
2 Timothy 3:1,3
For those of you in the Church out there who voted for the Left in the election---this is the
spirit you voted for
/ in alliance with. Forget about Trump and your disdain for his twitter handle or personal foibles....those of you in the church who march with BLM or voted for the same people the mobs voted for should be ashamed....did i not recently state on a post that the secular Left is always angry whether they win or lose an election?..well here's the evidence of that. The next 4 years will be a very dangerous time in America because Biden/Harris will have the backs of these mobs who their side also funds.

"Massive crowds of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington  joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in the election process....the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme Court holding signs that read “Stop the Steal,”...

Everything was very peaceful (not just mostly peaceful) until the crowds started to disperse and groups of BLM and Antifa activists began to appear, agitating attendees, and eventually turning to violence... even against children.

As The Post Millennial reports, some footage is very disturbing and depicts a little girl being assaulted.

Other footage shows a young Trump supporter fleeing for safety as he is stalked by Antifa. He eventually sees police and yells for help.

The most disturbing piece of footage depicts a family being attacked by Antifa. A mother is seen attempting to flee the area with her small daughter. He daughter is eventually thrown to the ground in the middle of a fight.

More footage depicts Antifa stomping on a mans head.

Some footage shows people crying in fear as they are pursued by the militants.

It remains unknown how many individuals have been arrested but some footage depicts the police arresting people." ZeroHedge