Sunday, November 1, 2020

IN the NEWS - 2020 Election: Witches Voting "Blue"

There shall not be found among you...... a witch,..
Deuteronomy 18:10
"President Trump ..... media outlets reported “thousands” of witches were attempting to cast a “binding spell” on him on
.....witches and warlocks are celebrating the rare confluence of two “powerful” moon events in one month, all in a joint effort to get Joe Bidenelected and President Trumpremoved from office. 
Conveniently... US presidential election almost coincides with a
Halloween blue moon. According to a Medium post detailing the upcoming ritual, groups of witches will be able to harness this on the night of October 31 – as well as the night before the election – to perform a “Blue Wave” spell......

Taking advantage of the Blue Moon, which will be seen across all time zones in the country for the first time in 76 years....these witches are all communicating via social media and plotting multiple “binding” events with their largest attempt to spiritually attack the President tonight on Oct. 31, right before the election.
They’ve reportedly been using the hashtags #BindTrump and #MagicResistance, while calling for what they have named a “Blue Wave” spell on Oct. 31 and on Nov. 2nd.
Michael M Hughes, a self-described magical thinker who created
the 'Blue Wave' spell, encouraged people to take part in the ritual even though they did not practice magic.
However, Hughes noted that only magic spells would not help Trump lose the election. He advised everyone to go out and vote on Nov. 3."....LOL, i see he's not trusting wholly in his "magic"....