Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election 2020: Has Civil War been Avoided by a mini-"Red Wave"? Or at Least Stalled?

We were told by Pollsters and Pundits that there was to be this
Democrat Blue Wave.
That Biden was up by 10-14 points.
That the Democrat Blue Wave would ripple all the way down ballot into local and state races.
That Democrats would take the Senate and pick up 8-15 seats in the House.

INSTEAD, below the nail biter for President, there appeared to be a slight Red Wave.
-Republicans appear to hold the Senate. 
-Have taken a net gain in the House that came close to taking it (meaning in the 2022 midterms they will). 
-Republicans have taken control of more state houses. 
-Took control of more state senates. 
-Now have more Governor's Chairs.

Q: So has the coming Civil War been avoided by a Red Wave below the nail biter for President?
A Republican Senate would block the most extreme measures of the Left, such as their pledge to do away with the filibuster, packing the court, adding more states for more senate seats and blanket amnesty in exchange for 25,000,000 more Democrat votes.
So this will make it harder for Liberals to continue pushing people by assaulting their religious freedom, free speech, taking their guns for self defense and other things that would push America over the edge.
Though the secular Left will still be rioting and looting---they are never happy whether they win or loose elections. 

Also, when Biden steps down as President from his dementia--or
Pelosi removes him under the 25th amendment-- who will Harris appoint as acting V.P.? I'm guessing Buttigieg....since Democrats are into identity politics, and can't look past demographics....we've had the first black, orange and soon woman President. So the other demographic the Left would like to elevate is LGBT. That would be Buttigieg as acting V.P. for Harris.

Q: How might a San Francisco Liberal (Harris-who gives lip service to being a Baptist) and a former mayor whose sexual preference is to live the gay lifestyle (Buttigieg-who claims the Episcopalian label) respond during a time of crises as never seen
Would they, as politicians, pander to the Polls if they showed we need to get back to God?
Would they also use as an olive branch to the non-Christian world the Green Religion to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon footprint?
Or would things be so bad that in 2024 a Republican ticket gets nominated that sweeps to power with a pledge to honor God during natural disasters and economic collapse?

Guess we will see......
IF America had fallen into a Real Civil War (which surely would eventually have resulted from a real Blue Wave) America may have fallen and not be strong enough for it's role on the world stage in End Times....
Let that sink in... 

What is the struggle taking place between the Prince of Persia and Prince Michael behind the veil between the seen and unseen?
Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? 
and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia:
Daniel 10:20