Thursday, November 26, 2020

Dung & the Flood

 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth. Genesis 7:10

 "Q: What’s a coprolite
A: Well, it’s fossil feces (i.e., fossil animal dung)—and it’s actually a reminder of the global flood of Noah’s day. You see, scientists have found fossilized feces from creatures like dinosaurs and fish. These remains help researchers piece together what these creatures ate and what food webs might have looked like. But why do coprolites even exist at all?

 Coprolites remind us of the global flood. This new study was looking at feces that didn’t have time to decay or be eaten by detritivores (i.e., an animal that feeds on dead organic material) before they were rapidly buried by sediment. Research has shown that feces must be preserved within 24 hours for us to find coprolites—and since we find mass fossil “latrines in various places around the world, something must have happened that could bury these very quickly!

Fast-formed fossils, like these piles of coprolites, remind us that the history in God’s Word concerning the global Flood of Genesis is true. The evidence is overwhelming." AIG