Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Creation Moment 11/4/2020 - Self-Replicating Machine

 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 
1 Corinthians 3:19

"It is often claimed that science is close to understanding how the first simple life form arose though entirely natural processes. 
To see how baseless this claim is, you only have to realize that with all our advanced technology we are still not close to designing any type of self-replicating machine. That is still pure science fiction. 
Q: So how can we imagine that such a machine could have arisen by pure chance, even given a universe with fine-tuned laws and a planet with fine-tuned conditions? 
--When we add technology to such a machine, to move toward the
goal of reproduction, we only move the goal posts, as now we have a more complicated machine to reproduce. 
Maybe some day human engineers will design a self-replicating machine, like those we see everywhere in the living world, but it will not happen in my lifetime, and it will not be simple. It will certainly not show that such a machine could have arisen without design."