Thursday, November 12, 2020

Creation Moment 11/13/2020 - Tuskless.....

 "Elephants’ tusks are getting shorter—with an increasing proportion of the elephant population even being completely tuskless—and it’s widely being heralded as ‘evolution’ and ‘Darwinism in action’.
Q: But is this really evolution
A: The answer is a resounding ‘No!’ 
The selection pressure from hunters is essentially an artificially-imposed version of ‘natural selection’. Neither such ‘artificial’ nor ‘natural’ selection is in any way ‘evolution’ as it can only favor certain genes over others, it cannot generate any new genetic information. 
Selection can only cull out genetic information that already exists
No wonder its effects can be seen so quickly, even in just one generation.
Note that, in some elephants at least, tusklessness has been attributed
to “a chance genetic mutation”. Evolutionists look to mutations to provide the new ‘raw material’ for natural selection to act upon—a mechanism they claim has turned pond scum into pachyderms over millions of years. 
But that requires an increase in genetic information, to create new features, whereas the mutation causing a loss of information for elephant tusks is certainly no example of that! 
However, tuskless elephants have the advantage of being ignored by hunters, and so survive to pass their mutated genes to the next generation.
--Natural selection plus mutations is not evolution. 
--Feature-destroying mutations are, however, right in line with a world “in bondage to decay”, as the Bible describes (Romans 8:19–22)."