Sunday, November 1, 2020

Creation Moment 11/1/2020 - Seeing God's Building Blocks with the naked Eye

And though I....understand all mysteries, and all knowledge;.... and have not love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2
"Quantum physics explains how the world’s building blocks such as atoms or electrons are put together. Everything we see around us is made up of atoms and electrons which are so small one billion atoms placed side by side could fit within a centimeter.

 Because of the way atoms and electrons behave, scientists describe this behavior as waves. In the research, scientists looked at how waves can go through a landscape containing obstacles placed in random positions.
In the Quantum Information Lab at the University, researchers took Anderson’s work one step further and added an ultra-cold atom experiment to the mix. With the aid of high tech lasers, they manipulated these ultra-cold atoms until they were so cold, their wave behavior became visible to the eye.
We are talking a billionth of a degree above absolute zero (-273.15 degrees C) so that is pretty chilly. We have created customized patterns of obstacles to stop the waves, and when we take a picture, we can find out where these atoms are,” Dr Hoogerland says."