Saturday, October 17, 2020

SDA Issues: Whiskey, Wine & Loma Linda

 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: 
and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1
"The liquor traffic is a terrible scourge to our land, and is sustained and legalized by those who profess to be Christians. In thus doing, the churches make themselves responsible for all the results of this death-dealing traffic. The liquor traffic has its root in hell itself, and it leads to perdition.(Temperance, p. 43 E.G.W.).
"Are you looking for a good place to store your whiskey? 
No worries. Loma Linda University has got you covered. 
For only $69.98 Loma Linda University (LLU) will sell you a
custom, beautiful, deep-etched crystal whiskey decanter to store your favorite whiskey. These whiskey decanters even come complete with the Loma Linda University name and logo engraved on every bottle. 
Maybe you are not into whisky
Maybe your choice of alcohol is red wine. That’s not a problem either. Loma Linda University still has you covered. For only $65.95 you can order your “Wine Decanter” complete with the LLU name and logo on every bottle. 
Maybe you’re a heavier drinker and you enjoy the 40% to 90% proof alcohol. No worries. LLU still has your back if you drink Spirits such as vodka, gin, tequila or rum. For $99.98 you can order your “Spirits Decanter” complete with the LLU name and logo on every bottle.
 The Loma Linda University Campus Store says on its website that this particular drinking container is perfect for.parties and entertaining.” 
Q: What is a decanter? 
A: Well, according to the alcohol industry, storing your favorite alcoholic beverage in a decanter allows it to breathe. It’s supposed to “open up” the “flavors and aromas.” 

Is this all just one big mistake or a lack of oversight by someone at Loma Linda University who is running a promotional campaign on their “official” online bookstore? Or has alcohol become the new lucrative commodity that LLU wants to cash in on? Regardless of how these whiskey bottles ended up on the university’s campus store website, they go against everything Seventh-day Adventists represent. They go against both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, and they are in conflict with the university’s own policy on alcohol."