Friday, October 30, 2020

Papal Notes - "It's beautiful"?

 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections... Romans 1:26

 "A gay couple favored by a phone call from Pope Francis and featured in the documentary Francesco are not only "married" but also hired a lesbian surrogate to have three children.

Andrea Rubera and Dario De Gregorio, who are credited with convincing the pope that "homosexuals have the right to have a family," were "married" in Canada in 2009 and had three children in Canada through lesbian surrogate mother Kerilyn. 

The homoparental duo applauded Francis for unconditionally welcoming them into the Church as a homosexual couple with children. In 2015, Rubera handed the pontiff a letter at Santa Marta where his parish was having a meeting, pleading:

Both Dario and I are Catholics. We grew up in the parish as

scout leaders. For us it was important our children could also attend parish activities, but we were doubtful if this could be a pitfall for the children and cause them stress and displeasure because of our family.

Two days later, Francis phoned Rubera: "I'm Pope Francis. I called you twice, but you didn't answer. I read your letter. It's beautiful, and I understood your point of view."