Tuesday, October 20, 2020

IN the NEWS - Wickedness of BLM

To our Foreign Readers it should be noted that Police in America do not go around "killing" black people as alleged by BLM. For example--Obama's own Justice Dept. statistics showed that only 16 unarmed blacks died at Police hands in a year (that's 365 days and 50 states plus D.C.).To top that off some of those were accidental or misunderstandings as to a suspect having a weapon. 
When you find a bad cop you weed him out--like bad teachers that have affairs with their under age students or bad pastors who scam their flocks, etc.
Almost every case used for propaganda recently to manipulate people have exonerated the Police when more evidence, including video or black witnesses comes forth. Even in the case of George Floyd who was resisting arrest and mocking the police.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:  
who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
"Black Lives Matter supporters ran over a raccoon twice before beating it to death with a baseball bat in a horrific and senseless act of animal cruelty before posting the video online and saying
people should “worry about the police killing Black people” and “treating us like animals.”

James Blue”, the person who filmed the violence, attempted to justify the animal cruelty by saying that “Black lives matter” and “Only white people worry about animals.”

The disturbing incident took place in New York City, as BLM onlookers watched and cheered the sickening attack on a defenseless animal.

The alleged niece of one of the perpetrators replied:

Worry about the police killing Black people” before dismissing the brutal and unnecessary killing of the raccoon, saying “only white peoples worry about this.”
