Thursday, October 15, 2020

IN the NEWS - Vatican to Coin Green Mysticism

 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel... Galatians 1:6
"The Vatican issued a coin depicting a mother carrying the earth in her womb. The issue of the coin comes almost one year to the day
when the idol Pachamama was worshipped in the Vatican gardens in the presence of Pope Francis as part of the opening ceremony of the Amazon synod.
The Vatican City State Mint will issue a 10 euro silver coin made by Maestro Oldani, depicting a mother carrying the earth in her womb, to whom we owe care and love as if it were a daughter, with long ears of wheat in her hair, in a reference between past and future that becomes timeless, and therefore eternal,” states the official description of the coin." 