Friday, October 9, 2020

IN the NEWS - Talk of Coup Grips the Fruited Plains of America

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1
COUP Talk 1
"25th Amendment lays out succession if the president is incapacitated or deemed unable to carry out his duties.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi decided to bring up the 25th
Amendment for some reason during a press conference Thursday.
 In response to a question about any sort of COVID relief stimulus package moving forward, Pelosi headed straight for the corner of Incoherent and Tangent, began pointing her finger, and said, “Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow. We’re gonna be talking about the 25th Amendment.
There is no rational basis for bringing this up right now since the President is back to work from his hospitalization. Although constitutional, bringing it up in this context is tantamount to advocating for a palace coup. It’s even more unseemly when it’s coming from the woman who is two heartbeats away from being president."
COUP Talk 2
"FBI now says it was spending its time surveilling fringe militants who talked about a plan to set up a new society......The talks
eventually led to a discussion about storming Michigan’s capitol and taking Governor Gretchen Whitmer hostage after kidnapping her from her vacation home.
 The FBI announced the indictments of the six men who discussed getting as many as 200 people together to storm the capitol building sometime before the election.The FBI said that it wasn’t only Whitmer’s administration they were targeting. CNN reports that the FBI complaint “included plans to overthrow several state governments that the suspects ‘believe are violating the US Constitution,’ including the government of Michigan and Whitmer … they discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions … Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor.” 
The plot to kidnap Whitmer, who has enforced one of the most severe lockdown orders due to COVID-19, was ratified by a few of the conspirators who wanted to “make the world glow, dude. I don’t f*cking care anymore, I’m just so sick of it. That’s what it’s gonna take for us to take it back … everything’s gonna have to be annihilated, man. We’re gonna have to topple it all, dude.”