Thursday, October 1, 2020

IN the NEWS - Summer of '88 Cult

 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

"The now 73-year-old woman has been found guilty of killing a young child 32 years ago. She claims the victim was the "reincarnation of Adolf Hitler."
The woman had been the leader of a sect, of which the boy's family was a part, when she committed the crime.

The prosecution stated that her motivation for the murder had been to strengthen her position within the group. She had told members that the boy had been "possessed by evil" and was the reincarnation of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
The young boy choked on his own vomit after the woman tied him in a burlap sack and left him in a bathroom with minimal air supply on a hot summer day in 1988.
The boy died shortly thereafter following "a bitter struggle."
The boy's mother stood by the 73-year-old woman, saying that "she is like a sister and a good friend to me."