Wednesday, October 14, 2020

IN the NEWS - Revolution: Billionaires, Guillotines, Bezos and Unions

Without understanding, 
....without natural affection, 
implacable, (unable to be placated)
Romans 1:31

Kris seems to want to be the next Pol Pot. The IRONY of this Leftist Revolution--targeting Jeff Bezos of, which they already have protested his house with a Guillotine once, is that Bezos actually supports these leftist groups. Bezos as one of "Lenin's useful idiots" may find out the hard way what his money he's been donating really ends up doing.

"Colorado Democrat operative and “prominent member” of a radical leftist organization, revealing the violent and potentially murderous plans of the militant left should President Trump win a second term

in office.

Kris Jacks, a trainer and mentor at Our Revolution protests and a member of the executive committee of the Colorado Democratic Party, made it clear that he will do “everything” to prevent Trump’s reelection this year.

Jacks explained how politically motivated violence from the left could be justified at election time:

Kristopher Jacks: “....And I think all it will take is our numbers and a reminder that yeah, there’s a reason you guys feared the Communists more than you feared the Nazis.”

Journalist: “What do you think about like Antifa?

Jacks: “Antifa’s great, man.

Jacks spoke even more explicitly about violence, should President Trump win reelection.

I’m gonna be in my garage, right next to my gun safe, all night long, on the 3rd, because that is how seriously I take this stuff,” Jacks said.

Specifically, to really “change the country with violence,” Jacks said it would be necessary for revolutionaries to target billionaires for assassination.

Kristopher Jacks: “If you want to do some Versailles s*it. If you want to do some Antifa s*it. You really want to

change this country that way, with violence, there’s only one way to do it. You gotta get people that are close to billionaires and start just, random billionaires start turning up dead. And nobody knows what the f**ks going on. Nobody knows. Nope, I don’t know. They just turned up dead. And just three or four of ‘em is all it’s going to take. All it’s going to take is a pattern of I don’t know, I don’t know man. I don’t know what happened. Just showed up that way. I walked in. That’s how it was. That’s the only way that’s, you do that to three or four people enough to say that this is a pattern, and this is why – draw a dollar sign on their desk or whatever you do, that’s what it’s going to take. It’s going to take a strategic hit against the .1% that’s in charge, cause that’s who it is. Killing random Nazis in the street, random f**king bootlickers.”

Journalist: “But like who are those like three or four billionaires right now that if it went to that?”

Jacks: “Doesn’t matter.”

 Journalist: “Doesn’t matter who.”

Jacks: “Doesn’t matter who … I mean Bezos at the top of the list.”

Journalist: “Who?”

Jacks: “Bezos.”

Jacks also described how fear tactics benefit his revolutionary objectives.

Jacks: “But they ain’t stabbing mother f**kers like they used to. They don’t have to though cause they used to stab people. See? And that’s all we gotta say. Guillotines motherf**ker. That’s all we gotta say. Option A, what I’m proposing. Option two, slicey bois. What are your choices? Which one do you want?”

Journalist: “What do you mean? Guillotines?”

Jacks: “Unions have power because they used to stab mother f**kers, they used to bury people beneath Giants Stadium. We have power. Populist uprisings have power because we used to kill people. We used to hang people from gas stations. We used to cut off their heads. We don’t have to actually cut heads. We just have to say that we’re willing to cut off heads. You know what I’m saying? Nobody wants a slicey boi. Nobody wants one of those.”

Though, Jacks made it clear that the targets of his “revolution” would not be limited to Republicans and/or conservatives. To him, moderate Democrats would also have to be dealt with.

It’s with f**kin moderates in the Democratic Party with all these people that are just scared of Trump.”

Despite his concerns about moderate Democrats, Jacks made it clear in the video that he believes Joe Biden would cooperate with the agenda of the radical left.

Joe Biden was presumably left-wing, and he’s got a functioning signing hand,Jacks said. “As long as there’s progressive legislation that comes across his desk, I am confident we can occupy his house. We know where he’ll live, and yeah, he wants to veto Medicare For All. Let him veto it! He’s never leaving that house again without protest.” Breitbart