Tuesday, October 27, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalks Philly

  ...foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.... Romans 1:31 
"A video out of Philadelphia shows a female police officer being run over by a truck driven by BLM rioters as another night of chaos unfolded.
The rioters hit the streets after the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. in an incident being described as yet another unprovoked murder of a black man.

In reality, footage of the incident shows Wallace Jr. ignoring numerous warnings from police officers to drop the weapon as he advances on them before being shot.

However, as we have seen multiple times over the past 5 months, Black Lives Matter agitators don’t let the facts get in the way of yet another chance to riot.

A female sergeant suffered a broken leg as she was struck by a speeding vehicle.

 Other videos show BLM criminals looting a clothing store.