Saturday, October 3, 2020

IN the NEWS - GROUP THINK for the Greater Good CASE STUDY

....and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev. 13:3

Now take the ATTITUDE of GROUP THINK accompanied by punishment via the government to non-conformers proposed by this prestigious medical journal --- to the Mark of the Beast in end times. Picture those thinking they are doing God's will to set aside a day as Holy to appease an angry Father God--then add those non-religous a Green Tint so as to let the earth rest to reduce our so-called "carbon footprint" to appease an angry mother earth -- and what you see in this medical journal could be repeated for a counterfeit day of worship. (IF one was to ask how a global rest would be mandated for God-since most of the world doesn't follow the Christian God--the answer is by looking at the current global political landscape--the Green Religion/Climate Change CULT. Doesn't matter WHY people do it---they do it as they follow the Barst--and that Beast power has an encyclical calling EXACTLY FOR THAT).

"A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine, and outlined strategies for how Americans could be FORCED to take it.
The paper warns that an immediate mandate for the vaccine would spark too much resistance and backlash, so the writers suggest that at first it should be voluntary.
However, it suggests that if not enough people are willing to get the vaccine within the first few weeks of it’s availability, it should be transformed into an obligation, with penalties put into place for refusal.
 The paper proclaims that “noncompliance should incur a penalty” and notes that it should be a “relatively substantial” one.It suggests that employment suspension or stay-at-home orders,” should be issued, but that fines should be discouraged because they can be legally challenged, and “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”
The paper also suggests that government health authorities should avoid making public their close relationship with vaccine manufacturers, to quell public mistrust."