Tuesday, October 13, 2020

IN the NEWS - Global Behind the Scenes Struggle

 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Daniel 10:13

 "Former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi presented a piece for Sky
News Australia in which he claimed that the agenda behind the COVID panic was for elite Davos billionaires to bring about a “great reset” that would see permanent social and economic changes.
Noting that there is “something unusual about the continuing pandemic panic,” Bernardi cited medical experts who “now acknowledge that lockdowns don’t work” and asked viewers to “consider if there is another agenda at work.”....the World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, Dr David Nabarro, called on world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their primary method of control because they were making “poor people an awful lot poorer.
Bernardi then highlighted comments made by Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum, who told fellow globalists that COVID-19 had proven the old system to be inadequate and that, “Now is the historical moment of time not only to fight the… virus but to shape the system… for the post-corona era.
(Mr Schwab) admits that COVID is the new excuse to usher in the Green New Deal that 
climate alarmists, 
and big government 
have been pushing for years,” said Bernardi, adding that “the global
response to COVID has been a green socialist’s dream
Bernardi concludes that the COVID lockdown looks an awful lot like the ‘Green New Deal’ and will have the same disastrous impact on the global economy."