Sunday, October 11, 2020

IN the NEWS - 2020 Election: Bearing False Witness on Steroids becomes the Norm

 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Deuteronomy 5:20
We will see if anyone, including Whitmer and Biden, will apologize for bearing False Witness against the President by running out and linking his politics to the that we know the kidnappers are actually Trump & Police Hating anarchists.
We shall also see if Kevin Paulson calls out this intentional bearing of False Witness...not holding my breath on either...
"According to a criminal complaint unsealed on Thursday, the group of six men — all but one from Michigan — engaged in conspiracy to commit kidnapping and conducted surveillance against Whitmer’s
vacation home
. The men also allegedly discussed targeting law enforcement officials.
Whitmer has come under fire for implementing particularly authoritarian lockdown methods, including using the State’s emergency alert system to order residents to wear face masks.
The governor previously issued an executive order requiring residents to wear face coverings while in public.
Whitmer also called small business owners “racist” and “neo Nazis” for protesting her lockdown orders.
She also made complete u-turn over the use of hydroxychloroquine within a four day period back in March, begging the federal government to send her the medicine just four days after she threatened to revoke the medical licenses of doctors who prescribed it.
She was also criticized recently for joining Black Lives Matter protesters in the streets after lecturing small businesses for weeks to stay shut down."
Whitmer's & Biden's Accusation
"...the governor clearly sees the arrest of the six men as a good
opportunity to excoriate Trump
, whom she deemed "complicit" in their crimes. "Hate groups heard the president's words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry," she said.
Mr. Biden said the rhetoric from a president can cause the stock market to rise and fall and be the difference between war and peace.
But they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger,” he said. “I just think it has to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matters.”
The Truth
"Though a group of men who were arrested Thursday for plotting to
kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are widely being portrayed as Trump-supporting Republicans, the evidence suggests at least two of them are anti-Trump, anti-police anarchists.
The evidence includes video footage of one of the suspects describing President Donald Trump as a “tyrant” and “enemy.
The release went on to identify the suspects as Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta.
On Friday, however, the Washington Post profiled several members of the group. Notably absent were accusations of 'white supremacy' - perhaps after acknowledging:

"One of alleged plotters, 23-year-old Daniel Harris, attended a Black Lives Matter protest in June, telling the Oakland County Times he was upset about the killing of George Floyd and police violence."

Another alleged plotter, Brandon Caserta, called President Trump a 'tyrant' - adding 'Trump is not your friend, dude.' Caserta notably has an anarchist flag behind him in several videos he's recorded.

And so, it appears that the FBI busted an anarchist, anti-government militia which plotted violence against elected officials - yet hated both sides of the aisle. 
Let's see how fast this entire affair disappears from the news cycle."
President's Response
"President Trump hit out at Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer late Thursday, after she blamed him over a plot to kidnap her, despite the fact that the Feds and the DOJ foiled the plot. 
Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities,” Trump tweeted.
The President went on to condemn any violence, which he has done multiple times before despite Democrat claims to the contrary. He also called on Whitmer to open up Michigan again, following extremely draconian coronavirus lockdown policies."