Saturday, October 10, 2020

Echoes of 1893

 ....every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25

A.T. Jones in 1893 took a question from an audience member as it relates to amending the Constitution to implement the Mark of the Beast. His Response is interesting....and it is even more true today than 1893. 
Who follows the Constitution anymore? Not most Courts. Think of the 5-4 Ruling on Gay marriage as an EXAMPLE. 
The Constitution says NOTHING about marriage, gay or straight or who you choose to jump in bed with. So IF we follow the 10th amendment then marriage, gay or straight, is left up to the states. But that didn't stop 5 justices from ignoring the Constitution as to gay marriage.
 10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution
nor prohibited by it to the States, 
are reserved to the States respectively, 
or to the people.
So you see Jones was/is right. When they make an image to the beast how will the Constitution stop them?  
This is why you hear certain people in Politics openly (without shame) talk of "packing the court"--that is with morally bankrupt judges who will disregard the Constitution to rule in favor of their unconstitutional policies.
Someone in the audience: Is it necessary to amend the Constitution?
Elder Jones: The Constitution, nothing! No, we have no Constitution any more. It is set aside. It is taken clear out of the way. We can't use it any more. What could an amendment do more than has been done? --Don't you see they have put aside the Constitution? 
--What could anybody want with an amendment