Wednesday, October 28, 2020

--2020 ELECTION-- Let's Take a Look...

Q: How might a Biden or Trump win play out IF (and only IF) the Mark of the Beast was to come about in the next 4 years?
 This know also,
 that in the last days perilous times shall come. 
2 Timothy 3:1
TRUMP: Trump, who 
--has in his base the "Christian Right", could be heavily influenced during national calamities by them
--as well as a Vice President who has a foot in both camps as
belonging to both a non-denominational church and a Catholic church.
Civil War?: A Trump victory could possibly trigger an eventual civil war as the Left comes even more unhinged. They have already started a low level civil war by turning what amounts to their para-military forces loose on the streets of America to wreak chaos, loot, kill and burn (BLM, Antifa, Occupy Movement, etc.). 
Q: And what do these violent leftists want? 
A: To tear down the country (our historical statues are exhibit A) and rebuild America in a more Cultural Marxist/Eco-Fascist utopian image. (Just listen to the rhetoric of the Squad).
BIDEN: Biden, who is a Catholic (at least in name) would easily follow the Pope's Leftist Green Encyclical to call for a national day
of rest during natural disasters. The Green angle for letting the earth rest would be the olive branch to get non-Christians to go along. COMMON GROUND ACHIEVED by all. Also, for those who wonder how a secular leftist (yet claims the Catholic label) could be influenced by Christians to implement the Mark of the Beast--just remember he's a POLITICIAN and POLITICIANS tend to follow polls....and he gives lip service to God in public.
Civil War?: A Biden victory would surely lead to a civil war at some point as 
--the Left packs the court, does away with the filibuster, adds more states thought likely to give them more senate seats (which means there will be no way to stop any of their agenda
--and grants blanket amnesty to 25,000,000 illegals in return for their 25,000,000 votes (meaning no way to stop them at the ballot box).
----As they then move to go after people's guns, padlock churches shut that won't perform gay weddings, hand out fines or even jail time for supposed offensive positions on issues expressed in the public arena, pick up where Obama left off at sending the govt. after so-called climate change deniers under RICO statutes (thereby getting around to codifying the criminalization of differences of opinion), can see how people would push back--as they point out the Democrats cheated by stacking the deck by packing the court and granting amnesty for votes.
 ---Side Note---
Some eerie Parallels [Obama/Trump
--Obama was the first black president
--Trump was the first orange president
--Obama was unique as the first president born and raised a Muslim in his youth
--Trump was unique as the first president to never hold political office or command as a general in a major war---a total outsider
--Republicans ran against Obama both times a cookie cutter
establishment candidate (McCain/Romney)
--Democrats ran against Trump both times a cookie cutter establishment candidate (Clinton/Biden
--In the Republican Primary to take on Obama both times a candidate with a niche following from the Libertarian wing ran (Ron Paul). First time he ran until the end of the primaries and the second time he dropped out half way through and endorsed and embraced the establishment candidate.
--In the Democrat Primary to take on Trump both times a candidate with a niche following from the open Socialist wing ran (Bernie Sanders). First time he ran until the end of the primaries and the second time he dropped out half way through and endorsed and embraced the establishment candidate.
First time to take on Obama the Republicans ran a crusty bitter old candidate known for having a temper and with a Political Brand Name (McCain)
--First time to take on Trump the Democrats ran a crusty bitter old candidate known for having a temper and with a Political Brand Name (Clinton)
--Second time to take on Obama the Republicans ran a Fluff
candidate with no personal base ever carved out in the party but everyone agreed seemed like a "nice guy" (Romney)
--Second time to take on Trump the Democrats ran a Fluff candidate with no personal base ever carved out in the party but everyone agreed seemed like a "nice guy" (Biden)
--Obama picked a V.P. that most Democrats shrugged their shoulders and said "o.k." (Biden)
--Trump picked a V.P. that most Republicans shrugged their shoulders and said "o.k." (Pence)
--First time to run against Obama McCain picked a V.P. candidate to his political right (Palin)
--First time to run against Trump Hillary picked a V.P. candidate to her political right (Kaine)
--Second time to run against Obama Romney picked a V.P. candidate who had a political buzz as a possible rising star of the party at the time (Ryan
--Second time to run against Trump Biden picked a V.P. candidate who had a political buzz as a possible rising star of the party at the time (Harris
--Both times to run against Trump the Democrats nominated what could be termed in Trump terminology as "Swamp Creatures" from the D.C. Swamp.
*Hillary with her Swamp corruption of Pay to Play at the state Dept. revealed & email/server scandals as well as the Clinton
Foundation/Slush Fund
*Biden with the "Biden Crime Family" saga being exposed for funneling money through family members involving bribes and kickbacks from the Chinese govt., East European Organized Crime bosses and Sleazy Globalist Corporations which includes shell corporations as well as a touch of sexcapades that would make Jeffrey Epstein proud.
--First time Obama ran he fell behind McCain in the Polls after the G.O.P. Convention then surged ahead the last two weeks after the collapse on Wall Street. Second time he ran he slightly trailed Romney late summer into the fall then surged the last week during hurricane Sandy.
--First time Trump ran the media polls and pundit class said he could
not win. Their cliche right up to election night was "he has no path to victory". But a collection of independent polls (today collectively known by some as the "Camelot Group" of polls) and the  primary turn out model as well as the model based on new registered voters in swing states in the election year predicted a Trump win.
This time around--EXACT SAME THING is being Predicted and said (except the cliche of "he has no path to victory" has been tweaked to be "whispers of the L word") meaning a Biden Landslide.
Just some personal observations
Q: Will Trump slay the Swamp Creature again on election day or will the Swamp swallow up Trump at the ballot box? We shall see...
Q: Also, between the social unrest and the China virus with all of it's upheaval of life and govt. powers---what are the Prince of Persia and Prince Michael up to behind the scenes in all this?...Remember, unlike other crises era's when people thought the end was coming this one is different. -- it includes that last sign predicted--like the DAYS OF LOT. You know what I'm talking about.