Sunday, September 20, 2020

This Great Controversy SIMPLIFIED

This Great Controversy--Raging between God and His opponent--Played out here on the Space Fabric of Time--between the two Pillars of Decrees--"Let there be Light" to "IT IS DONE"..Simplified

"Every eye in the universe of God is looking upon this world, for here it is that the great battle is in progress. 

Christ, the prince of life, is in conflict with Satan, the prince of darkness, over every fallen soul, that he may rescue the human race from the slavery of are ensnared by the temptations of Satan, and their minds seem to be enchained to the earth

Our Savior came to the world to correct this evil, and to fasten the affections of the soul on things above. 
He lifted up his voice in warning, saying, "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
E.G.W./Matthew 16:26