Monday, September 7, 2020

The Gospel in the "Cities of Refuge"

"In the early history of the world, provision was made for the
punishment of the murderer. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed," was the decree of Jehovah. (Gen. 9:6).

After the children of Israel entered the promised land, six cities were set apart as cities of refuge.
--These were conveniently located, three on each side of the river Jordan. (Joshua 20:2,7,8)
--The roads leading to these cities were always to be kept in good repair, that the one fleeing before the avenger of blood might not be hindered in his flight. (Duet. 19:3)
--The cities were on elevated ground, and could be seen at a distance.

When the murderer reached the gate of the city of refuge, he declared "his cause in the ears of the eiders of that city," before he was given a place within. (Joshua 20:3-6) His case was also tried by the judges of the city near where the murder was committed, and if it was not a premeditated murder, but the deed had been done accidentally or unintentionally, then the guilty man was restored again to the city of refuge whither he had fled. (Num. 35:12,24,25) The Savior refers to this judgment in Matt. 5:21. If at any time the slayer passed outside of the limit of his city of refuge, his life could be taken by the avenger of blood, "because he should have remained in the city of his refuge." (Num. 35:26-27)
The decree was, "He shall dwell in that city, . . . until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return . . . unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled." (Joshua 20:6)

The instruction in regard to the cities of refuge was but a part of the great system of Levitical laws and ceremonies which taught the simple truths of the gospel of Christ.... Dr. Adam Clarke says the whole gospel could be preached from the particulars given of the cities of refuge.

There could be no delay in seeking a city of refuge. As soon as the murder was committed, the murderer must flee at once; no family ties could hold him; his life depended upon his speedy flight to the city.
O that all might learn the lesson,
and instead of delaying
and trying to quiet our accusing conscience,
when we know we have sinned,
flee at once to Christ, confess our sins,
and dwell in the refuge Christ has prepared.

Anciently the one who had fled to the city, found life within its walls, but death awaited him if he passed beyond its boundary. The beloved disciple was familiar with this truth when he wrote,
"This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (1 John 5:11,12)."

Stephen Haskell