Saturday, September 19, 2020

The 2 Titles - Our Great Kindergarten Lesson

 "Of the many titles bestowed upon Him, there is none more dear to humanity than the "Lamb of God" and "High Priest.

By virtue of these two offices He lifts poor fallen humanity up where they can share in His glorious kingdom of grace, even while in the midst of this sin-cursed earth.

In the typical service the one who realized he was in sinner must bring a lamb for a sin-offering. The priest could not officiate for him without this offering. 

That entire service was but a great kindergarten lesson, making the way of salvation so simple that none could fail to comprehend it. 

When we realize that we have sinned, we remember our "Lamb,"

confess our sins, and in His name they are forgiven; then He officiates as
High Priest in our behalf before the Father. 
He pleads the merits of His blood, and covers o u r life, stained with sin, with the robe of His spotless righteousness, and we stand before the Father "accepted in the Beloved." Eph. 1:6."
Stephen Haskell