Monday, September 14, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocking Streets: From California to Ethiopia

...unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,.. 2 Timothy 3:3

"Two Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) deputies were ambushed and shot as they sat in their patrol car in Compton on Saturday evening. They were rushed to the hospital.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that they were both shot in the head.
This is the scene where two police officers were ambushed in Compton. Both officers were shot in the head. 

LASD deputies have been targeted by Black Lives Matter protests, as well as self-described anarchists and Antifa supporters. Officials said that the two officers were conducting a routine patrol outside an L.A. Metro train station when they were attacked. One of the two victims was able to tell fellow officers that the shooter was a “dark-skinned male.”

Black Lives Matters protesters stormed the hospital where the officers were transported to for emergency surgery. protesters attempted to block the entrance and exit of the hospital. Protesters also shouted that they hoped the injured officers died.
... the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling 'We hope they die' referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed."

"One person was killed when a gunman opened fire at University Park Mall in Mishawaka, Indiana, Saturday afternoon.

The South Bend Tribune reports that the shooting occurred about 3:00 p.m. and shoppers began running for cover.
The Mail reports that the gunman was allegedly “wearing a clown mask and covered in a ripped up US flag,” and WNDU reports that police are still searching for the suspect."

"Protesters poured onto the streets of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Sunday night calling for “justice” — for a man shot dead by police while charging at an officer with a knife.
Body camera footage showed Ricardo Munoz, 27, brandishing a knife and wielding it over an officer’s head as cops responded to a domestic disturbance around 4:15 p.m.
Protesters marched from the scene of the deadly shooting to the Lancaster Police Department, hurling bricks, smashing windows and vandalizing cars.
The assailant, Ricardo Munoz, was charged in 2019 for stabbing four people — including a juvenile."

New York City
"In the Hispanic-majority neighborhood of Washington Heights, New York, BLM protesters mobbed the local police precinct.
There, the agitators surrounded the building and tore down
barricades, shouted hollow mantras, and clashed with cops on the streets.
The brouhaha started after protesters marched from the Bronx into Manhattan and then to Washington Heights, where they stopped traffic.
A power-tripping thug gloated that Black Lives Matter had “shut the whole city down” with their threats of violence and emotional extortion.
Look how much power we had!” the protester bragged to the NY Post. “We sat on the bridge for 20 minutes. We shut the whole city down!”

"The Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church has called on the government of Ethiopia to act decisively to stop the ongoing slaughter of Christians and the destruction of churches, the
September 9 report states.
Oromo Islamist radicals have entailed the murder of upwards of 500 Christians, including pregnant women, children, and entire families in the Oromia regional state, which includes the nation’s capital of Addis Ababa.
The assailants are members of a Muslim Oromo male youth movement called Qeerroo, meaning “bachelors.”
Throughout the summer, the Qeerroo radicals traveled about in cars, armed with guns, machetes, swords, and spears, seeking out and slaughtering Christians door to door, the Barnabas Fund reported earlier this month in a chilling story ignored by mainstream media."

"Fifty people were shot, 15 fatally, during the last week in Mayor Bernard Young’s (D) Baltimore, Maryland."

"Over 50 people were shot, 11 fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago."