Tuesday, September 8, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocking Rochester & More

...foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.... Romans 1:31 ESV

"Riots continued Saturday evening in Rochester, New York, for the
third straight night as Black Lives Matter activists marched to city hall and clashed with police."

"Black Lives Matter terrorists screamed obscenities at elderly people dining outdoors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Sunday.
F*ck 12 and f*ck white people! You old d**k!” one BLM militant yelled to a peaceful elderly white man sitting at a table.

A woman then marched over to the couple, grabbed a drink from their table and drank out of it!
Other violent Biden supporters were breaking glassware and intimidating diners."

"Multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks, and other objects rained down on law enforcement officers during Saturday night’s street riot in Portland, Oregon, according to police.
An unexploded mortar was recovered by police.

In the 100th night of riots in Portland, one of the far-left militants threw a Molotov cocktail in an attempt to hit police… but lit his fellow rioter on fire instead.
Ironically, police officers had to step in to help them put it out."

"A Starbucks barista posted a video to TikTok on Sunday calling for “more dead cops” that showed him behind the counter
preparing a special poisonous “Blue Lives Matter” drink recipe that called for more than a cup of bleach.
The caption on the video read “All I want for Christmas is more dead cops.”
Hi guys, I updated my recipe for the Blue Lives Matter drinks,” the video began.
First we’re gonna start with bleach,” the barista said as he poured more than a cup of bleach into the cup in the video.
Then we’re gonna add ice because, you know, cops love ice,” he continued.

Then the video showed the barista put together another concoction in a blender that included blue coloring used for special Starbucks drinks.
“… We add more bleach, a little blood of innocent black men,” the barista said, dumping an unidentified red goopy substance into the blender.
And then we add this special blue ingredient that Starbucks has,” he said. “We do have it and yes, we are holding out on you.” “Ahh, that beautiful blue color.
The barista set a straw on top of the finished drink sitting on the counter, the video showed."

"Brandon Straka and his #WalkAway movement held a rally in
Dallas, Texas today. During the rally the local Black Lives Matter mob stormed the stage. The young BLM Democrat then put his fist in the security guard’s face when he was forcibly removed from the stage area."

"At Least 51 Shot, 7 Fatally, Labor Day Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago."