Saturday, September 19, 2020

IN the NEWS - The Evil Under the Umbrella (Pedophilia)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked... Jeremiah 17:9

 Love has no age.” That phrase, along with three “partying face” emojis and a photo of an individual dressed in a rainbow suit and matching umbrella, was recently tweeted from the Drag Queen Story Hour UK Twitter account, according to screenshots captured before the tweet was reportedly deleted and the account locked. “Love has
no age
”—now what does that mean?

Well, considering tha
t Drag Queen Story Hours are directed at children and encouraging them to accept others “no matter how different they are,it would seem that the phrase means exactly what you’d think it means: pedophilia is just love and since “love wins,” we need to just accept and celebrate that “love has no age. 

After all, in our world today, all that matters is “feelings” and doing whatever is right in your own eyes! 
We’ve been saying for some time this phenomenon would be a next step for a culture that continues to reject all aspects of Christian morality based on the absolute authority of the Word of God."