Monday, September 7, 2020

Creation Moment 9/8/2020 - White Tigers

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind...
Genesis 1:24

"White tigers lack the capacity to produce red and yellow pigments (called ‘pheomelanin’)—caused by a single mutational change in a gene.

All living white tigers are descended from descendants of a single male white tiger (named ‘Mohan’) captured in India in 1951. Black pigment (eumelanin) production is not affected, which is why white tigers still have their characteristic dark stripes.

Stripes, by the way, represent a challenge to evolution, as there’s increasing evidence now that mutations degrade (not produce!) stripes, resulting in spots and other broken patterns—representing a loss of genetic information.

This begs the question:
Q: did cats get their stripes in the first place?
From a biblical perspective, there’s no problem."