Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Creation Moment 9/24/2020 - Locke on Matter and Thinking

And so it is written, 
The first man Adam was made a living soul...
1 Corinthians 15:45
"We have the idea of matter and thinking, but possibly shall never be able to know whether any mere material being thinks or not; 
---it being impossible for us, by the contemplation of our own ideas, without revelation
---to discover whether Omnipotence has not given to some systems of matter, fitly disposed, a power to perceive and think, or else joined and affixed to matter so disposed, a thinking, immaterial substance; it being, in respect of our notions, not much more remote from our comprehension to conceive that God can, if he pleases, superadd to matter a faculty of thinking, than that he should superadd to it another substance with a faculty of thinking; since we know not wherein thinking consists, nor to what sort of substance the Almighty has been pleased to give that power which cannot be in any created being but merely by the good pleasure of the Creator. 
For I see no contradiction in it, that the first eternal, thinking Being should, if he pleased, give to certain systems of created, senseless matter, put together as he thinks fit, some degrees of sense, perception, and thought."
John Locke