Thursday, September 10, 2020

Creation Moment 9/11/2020 - Obvious

 For by him were all things created... Colossians 1:16

"Isn’t it obvious?
Natural selection can eliminate,
but never create!

John Endler, who in his 1986 book Natural Selection in the Wild  warned that “natural selection must not be equated with evolution”, and he also said:
Natural selection is common enough in natural populations to have been detected in a wide variety of organisms … However, natural selection does not explain the origin of new variants, only the process of changes in their frequency.
Endler had seen this himself in his own previous research on guppies in mountain streams in Trinidad, Tobago and Venezuela.
He observed that populations of guppies there include drab-colored males as well as brightly colored ones, and the relative frequency of each goes up or down in line with predation pressure.
If predators are few or absent, brightly colored males predominate, as female guppies prefer them as mates; so gaudy males are more likely to pass their genes to the next generation.
But when predators are numerous, the better camouflaged drab male guppies are less likely to be eaten than the gaudy ones, and so the females have to be content to mate with the survivors, thus drabness becomes predominant in the population.

.....natural selection has been amply observed happening in many
populations of insects, animals, fish, and plants, but in all instances it is not evolution. Whether by differential reproduction or differential survival, natural selection results in the culling or loss of genetic information, not its creation.

That last point was certainly obvious to another noted evolutionist who spoke out against the natural-selection-equals-evolution sham, viz., the late Lynn Margulis. Just before her death in 2011, she said in an interview:
Natural selection eliminates and maybe maintains, but it doesn’t create.
That’s telling it like it is: natural selection by itself generates no new genetic information. It can eliminate genes that already exist, but never create."