Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Joel -Prophet of the Latter Rain SERIES: The Day of the Lord

Chapter I.

"Verse 15: Here is stated the reason for making this serious call to
repent­ance. The day of the Lord is the climax of the prophecy, and this day is declared to be at hand; there­fore the church must know that it is at hand. "Alas for the day! for the day of the Lord is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come." The great signs which pre­cede this impending event, the day of the Lord, Joel brings to view a little farther on.

The reference to the day of the Lord by other prophets should be kept in mind in connection with the study of Joel 1: 15:
1. Zephaniah states that when the day of the Lord is near, it "hasteth greatly." It was slow for some time, but near the end it moves with in­credible velocity. Zeph. 1: 14.
2. It will be ushered in by a great decree (Zeph. 2: 2), and in Revelation we find that this decree announces the close of probation; it is the decree which seals the unjust as forever un­just, and the holy as forever holy, Rev. 22: 11, 12.
3. The day of the Lord is called "a day of wrath." Zeph. 1: 15.
4. In connection with the "day of wrath " a great hail will be poured out (Job 38: 22, 23), but the hail is designated as the ending of the seven last plagues; therefore, the seven last plagues begin when the "day of the Lord " begins."