Monday, August 24, 2020

IN the NEWS - What "Christians" do during Lockdown

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
1 John 2:15

"A new survey from Pew Research reveals how most Americans have been coping with the pandemic and lockdowns, and it isn’t through faith in God or spiritual practice.

In fact, more than any other religious or non-religious population surveyed, 90% of Christians report watching the most TV and movies at home to decompress from COVID-19-related stress. Whereas merely 55% of participants reported praying weekly and only 29% said Scripture reading was part of their weekly routine.

Studies show that increased consumption of TV correlates to declining IQ, and the content we consume via entertainment, especially during the developmental years, can directly influence our future actions for better or worse, including increased lewd and violent behavior."