Sunday, August 9, 2020

IN the NEWS - University of Dayton too.....

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.Genesis 13:13

"A Journal-News investigation into the Society of Mary’s handling of alleged abuse of children by its members found the religious order concealed allegations against some from parents, students and school officials.

The order released a list this summer of 46 priests and brothers its leaders say sexually abused children since 1950, but critics say the disclosure falls short.
The Marianists in April 2014 sent letters to former students of schools where one of the men had worked. This led to nine Marianists being accused of abuse in one Pittsburgh-area school. Of those nine, Hartman and four others previously worked in Dayton at Chaminade Julienne or Chaminade, before going to Pittsburgh. Two others worked at the University of Dayton.
The Society of Mary’s ties to Dayton go back 170 years. The order founded what is today the University of Dayton and Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. The order’s Cincinnati province was headquartered in Dayton until all of its US provinces merged in 2002.
Some of the men on the list of show how far the order’s previous leaders went to cover up abuse allegations, the Journal-News found.
Police arrested Bro. Anthony Parlangeli in 1971 after he told a high school student in Hollywood, Florida, they were going on a field trip, but instead took the 15-year-old boy to a hotel, “gave him sleeping pills without his knowledge and subsequently sodomized” him, according to a lawsuit filed in Broward County, Florida.
Police and court records show Parlangeli was charged with “committing a crime against nature” and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of administering drugs illegally. The boy was “told that he was suffering from food poisoning,” court records say.
Court records allege his father, the school principal and the Rev. Chris Conlon were all aware of what happened. Conlon was head of the Marianist community at the Florida school at the time.
Conlon later served as UD director of campus ministry from 1988 to 1998 and chaplain after that, retiring from UD in 2013 and moving to California, where he died in 2017, according to his obituary."