Tuesday, August 25, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Scorches California

Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him? Job 27:9

"The state of California sure has been through a lot this year. 
--The COVID-19 pandemic hit the state particularly hard,
--fear of the virus sent the unemployment rate soaring,
--civil unrest has ripped permanent scars in most of the major cities,
--and earlier this month a historic heatwave caused rolling blackouts all over the state for the very first time since 2001. 

So California certainly didn’t need anything else to deal with in
2020,....  Unfortunately, it looks like the massive wildfires that have been roaring across the state over the last week are about to get even worse.  A “red flag” warning has been issued for Monday, and just about everyone is expecting this week to be a really, really bad week....Hundreds of individual wildfires erupted after “12,000 lightning strikes” hit the state, and so far more than a million acres have been burned…In nearly a week, firefighters have gotten no more than the 17% containment for the LNU Lightning Complex fire in wine country north of San Francisco.

It’s been the most destructive blaze, accounting for five deaths and 845 destroyed homes and other buildings. It and a fire burning southeast of the Bay Area are among the five largest fires in state history, with both burning more than 500 square miles....And one guy that is apparently vying for the title of “biggest scumbag in America” decided that he would steal a firefighter’s wallet out of his work vehicle and completely drain his bank account…But this is what America has become. 
We have become a completely lawless nation where chaos reigns, and things are only going to get worse in the years ahead."